“Ignorance Lies Behind Her Eyes”



Despite her refusal to look in my eyes,

I approached her smiling nevertheless.

It started well, began quite optimistically.

But my face was slapped, I must confess.


Not torn apart by fate, not by my own hand,

She walked out of my life forever,

Not because of timing or incompatibility;

The reason lay solely within her.


I may indeed be maudlin; hurt too deeply,

But her reason stings, smacks of inauthenticity.

God forbids her from keeping my company!

A decision I felt was none but immature audacity.


Would God honestly condemn the good,

The ignorant, the conscientious objectors

To eternal damnation for failing to kneel?

There is that and countless other factors.


Such as the striking lack of evidence;

Note the Bible refers to God as Him

Popes and televangelists are charlatans;

The chances they truly know him are slim.


What of Hindu gods, Buddhist philosophy –

Of the Native American’s ancient Great Spirit –

And those who methodically analyze existence –

Deciding the claims of evidence for God don’t fit?


She may as well have rejected me for UFOs,

Or astrological incompatibility, or penis size,

The color of my hair, or my favorite color.

Ignorance lies behind those beautiful eyes.


“Ignorance Lies Behind Her Eyes” © Jason Merchey 2000-2017